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Dear Gary: since we couldn't find any publisher

Dear Gary: since we couldn't find any publisher

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Title: Dear Gary: since we couldn't find any publisher
Author: Ana Lontra Jobim
Recipient: Gary N. Dasilva
Author: Ana Lontra Jobim | Gary N. Dasilva
Abstract: Sugestão para que Gary N. DaSilva registre a canção "Caminhos cruzados" pela Corcovado Music.
Description: A signatária assina como "Ana and Tom".
Haspart: 5x33cm
Type: Carta
Tom Jobim
JOBIM, Antonio Carlos
"Caminhos cruzados"
Format: 1 doc. Manuscito do autor. 2 fls.

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thumbnail ct00780.pdf 282.7Kb PDF
thumbnail ct00780 01-2.jpg 188.8Kb JPEG image
thumbnail ct00780 02-2.jpg 85.90Kb JPEG image

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  • Terceiros - ct [69]
    Correspondência sobre ACJ, mas não direcionadas a ele

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