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"In the name of god, the compassionate, the merciful..."

"In the name of god, the compassionate, the merciful..."

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dc.contributor.author ARAQI, Ayatollah Mahmoud Mohammadi pt_BR
dc.contributor.recipient GIL, Gilberto pt_BR
dc.date.accessioned 2011-03-03T19:13:30Z
dc.date.available 2011-03-03T19:13:30Z
dc.date.created 2005-11-21/22 pt_BR
dc.date.issued 2011-03-03
dc.description.abstract Discurso do Ayatollah Mahmoud Mohammadi Araqi na oitava sessão dos Ministros da Cultura do INCP. pt_BR
dc.description.conservation bom pt_BR
dc.description.googlehitcount 0000
dc.description.location COp_A029 pt_BR
dc.description.place Dakar - Senegal pt_BR
dc.description.provenanceIACJ Samantha Souza - 01/01/2011 pt_BR
dc.format.dimentions 29,5cm x 21cm pt_BR
dc.format 1 doc; digitado; 4fls pt_BR
dc.identifier.uri http://www.jobim.org/gil/handle/2010.4/79
dc.language.iso en pt_BR
dc.relation.haspart 1 (Fotografia de Gilberto Gil com Claire Thivierge, conselheira senior das políticas culturais do Canadá) pt_BR
dc.relation.ispartofseries Correspondência pessoal/ COp_A029 pt_BR
dc.subject Encontro dos oito ministros da cultura em Dakar em 2005 do INPC pt_BR
dc.subject ARAQI, Ayatollah Mahmoud Mohammadi pt_BR
dc.subject Discurso pt_BR
dc.title "In the name of god, the compassionate, the merciful..." pt_BR
dc.type Discurso pt_BR
dc.description.origin APGG pt_BR

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